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Check below for classroom specific videos!

Rounding to tens and hundreds (a.k.a ballpark estimates)

This video shows one method students might use to round to the nearest ten or hundred. Students have also learned to use a numberline to help them round. 


While the numberline can be visually helpful, students should eventlually be able to use a mental approach as shown in the video.

Addition - Partial Sums Method

This video shows one method students might use to add multi-digit addends.  This method most likely differs from the way parents learned, but can be helpful for students when they begin adding mentally.


The video shows a visual representation along side the numerical process in order to represent to viewers what is happening to the digits.  

Students may use this method OR students may choose to use the most commonly known method, which is to start in the ones place and carry over into the next place value when necessary.

Subtraction - Trade First Method

This video shows how to subtract a multi-digit number from another multi-digit number.  But what happens when you have a value smaller than the value of the first number?


Bigger bottom?...BETTER BORROW!!!


Watch this video to see how we can borrow from the tens place in order to have enough ones to complete the subtraction problem! 


Subtraction - Tricky Zeroes

This video shows two methods in a side-by-side format.  Students may choose to use either method.  


One method shows a shortcut we call, "boxing."

Students learned that they can box in the digits to the left of the digit "needing help."  REMEMBER: the number that needs help stays OUTSIDE of the box.


The other method is the most commonly known.  Simply move over to each place value in order to borrow the values needed to complete the problem.  

Multiplication - Stars and Circles Game

Today in class we learned a fun game! Watch this video to see how to play!


Stars and Circles is a fun game that helps students visually see the concept of multiplication as a the combining of equal groups.  

Decompose and Distribute

Students have been learning to decompose (break apart) a factor into two numbers and respresent this as an equation with parentheses.


To solve the problem, students learned how to apply the distributive property.  Watch the video to see an example!


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